Green Energy Crisis- Part #2: Meet The Policy Makers That Caused It

Here is a summary of the people & organizations That have led to the destructive Climate Policies our country is now enduring. The “Climate Policies” are against the best interests of America and are not about saving the planet or protecting the environment. There is no planned transition to renewables (25, 60) and our country will be weakened by the path to Net Zero. The worrisome bottom line is, that no one person or organization is accountable and it will be hard to fix.

The path to correcting the absurd Climate Policies is to improve the energy and environmental science education of the public and elected officials.

It is a very daunting challenge to reverse about 50 years of public indoctrination on the demonization of coal, oil, gas & nuclear.

Dr. Judith Curry recently wrote on her Blog, “How the Disinformation Industrial Complex is Destroying Trust in Science”.(14) In my view, the only science that climate policies are based on is, Political Science.

We should try our best to correct the miseducation/indoctrination/scaring of the public. Somebody should! Here is my shot at identifying the problem. I am reminded of a quote attributed to Ben Franklin, “Identifying the Problem is the First Step in Correcting It” A future post will outline my thoughts on “How to Correct the Indoctrination and Mis-education (on Energy) of the public. Hint, it is a huge challenge that will need billions of dollars in communications funds.

Conventional energy built America and it continues to provide the fuel for our high quality of life, provides transportation, washes our dishes, cleans our clothes, produces and cooks our food, creates products from Industry, powers our National defense, powers our computers, servers and Smart Phones, energizes our economy and more…. Why would thinking people destroy the energy that we depend on? I wrote on the beginnings of the “War on Carbon” in 2021. This is a followup to that post which is here.

Please read on, I will try to explain how the demonization of carbon came to be and it is not naïveté, it is intentional. In fact, it is not hyperbole to say it is evil.(53) If you read all the way through I will connect the dots of the how and who of the movement against conventional forms of energy. The politicians and activist organizations are NOT Stupid as I and many others have once thought. They are very well organized & lavishly funded with billions of dollars. However, they do not care about the future of America and if they have any motive at all, it is that they are against the best interests of the U.S.A. The activists listed below do not appear to be very well educated in science and engineering to include; Physics, Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Electricity or Energy. Please check the references and then you decide.

The Political Science trained incumbent politicians do have access to the best engineering and science minds in America, (if they wanted it) yet they have very effectively set the U.S. on a path of destruction. Why? Because the advice they seek from “Experts” (if they seek any advice?) are from extremists, many of which are employed as Bureaucrats or within NGO organizations with people embedded in government. They appear to be not very savvy on energy and engineering.

In the interest of brevity of this post, at the end, I have included many references for you to refer, let me suggest you start with # 51 to read and judge for yourself.

The references support my conclusions that the elected officials have used energy and environmental advice from extreme activists that know little about energy. Worse yet, they are not interested in the continued strength of the Free Western World.

Environmental Extremists are In Charge

Today the people in charge of energy policy have risen from their College graduations through paths of training and experience in Political Science, Law or Environmental Activism, progression of elected offices or University Teaching. None that I am aware have had any significant power generation technical, business experience or training as power engineers. My previous Blog in the January post listed numerous Climate and Energy Influencers. These influencers of energy policy have no background in energy production or power generation. So, the energy and electricity generation policies that have been forced onto the American citizens and (now struggling) productive industries are not well thought out. The so called “Transition to Renewables” is not a planned process as a group of experienced electric utility planning engineers would methodically produce. That is, if it was even possible to replace fossil fuels and nuclear with solar and wind.

The so called “Climate Policies” are simply a wrongheaded fast track approach to Decarbonize Bulk Power Generation, Transportation and Industry. In essence, “Electrify Everything” and do so without knowing the consequence of sabotaging America’s Energy & Electricity Generation Infrastructure.

Here are some of the key persons responsible for the current “Green New Deal” or so-called “Inflation Reduction Act”, which codifies the green policies.

John Kerry– Special Envoy for Climate . Background: Politician and trained in Political Science. A “Green” Ideologue that has spent his entire career as a politician. His recent speech to the WEF attacked Farmers and food production. Although he travels in luxury via Jet fuel guzzling private jets, he advocates reducing the quality of life of the rest of us, including the amount and type of food that we eat and the fuel used to cook it.

Gina McCarthy, Past EPA Administrator in Obama Administration and past Chief Executive Officer at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) This lady presided over the most effective times of the war on coal by the EPA since 1970. Her employment, like many other top EPA officials cycled back and forth between anti coal NGO’s and government(51,52). Two references are here and here:

Michael ReganEPA Administrator Past employment head of N.C. Dept of Environmental Quality and was a past employee of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).

Joe Goffman A high level EPA official, I am not sure of his present title. Here is a newspaper op-ed by West Virginia Senator Shelly Moore Capito, in WVA “Intelligencer” Newspaper, July 2022.

Jennifer GranholmSecretary of Energy: Past experiences as lawyer, Governor of Michigan and Board member of clean energy organizations. Capital Research Center’s Ken Braun has provided an overview of her background here.

Deb Haaland Secretary of Dept of Interior: Past experiences as Gov. of New Mexico. Has advocated policies to reduce access to American energy reserves.

The people and a short resume of each Biden Administration Cabinet member is listed below in references 53-62 thanks to the Capital Research Center’s Robert Stilson. The Congressional representatives that have come to positions of high influence are listed in an article in E& E News, here.

John Podesta– Office on Clean Energy Innovation, past background working for the Clintons (at the start of the War on Coal) and had business ties with Joule Unlimited a Russian controlled energy company. Podesta worked for Hillary Clinton and she orchestrated the sale of Uranium One to Russia. Check numerous references in section 5 at the end, especially starting with #90.

Barrack Obama ramped up the war on carbon during his two terms in office. His appointment of Gina McCarthy as EPA Chief was devastating to coal plants. Weaponization of government agencies by using a revolving door for employment of environmental extremists is documented in a report to Congress here.

Al Gore. His background is well known. His scare mongering claims of the movie “Inconvenient Truth” and other activities have been debunked by real scientists but the MSM loves him and his scare tactics, aided by “Woke” Entertainment and the Mainstream Media have out-shouted true science.

President Joe Biden has continued and expanded the war on carbon that Clinton & Obama started. He has unashamedly accelerated the decline of America, including the weakening of the U.S. military in the name of “Climate Change”. Even absurdly(107) pushing to electrify the Military.

Senator Ed Markey has served in Congress since 1976. Clearly a career politician and green ideologue.(109)

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez along with Senator Ed Markey, Cori Bush and others, has become very influential in creating energy policy in Washington. I am not saying they have sinister or evil intentions, it is just the fact that they do not understand energy and electricity generation. They obtain technical advice from activist organizations and people that also either do not understand the science of power generation or they have other agenda(s) that is/are being promoted, such as the U.N. Agenda 21, U.N.-IPCC and World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”.(120)

Congressional Representatives Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman. Power players for Green New Deal Policies.

Michael Bloomberg Also well known as a successful businessman and past Mayor of NYC. Perhaps good intentions, but his lavish funding of NGO’s to Demonize coal, oil and gas are in fact, un-American. He has given over 174 million to the Sierra Club for their “Beyond Coal” campaign.

Tom Steyer Another successful businessman and huge funder of propaganda to demonize conventional forms of energy. Steyer has given over 100 million to environmental activists.

Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame. Highly successful businessman and another person that should know better, but like Steyer and Bloomberg has given over 100 million dollars to Environmental Activist NGO’s to fight conventional fuels.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse A talented politician that is effective in accusing the opposing side of doing what his party has honed to perfection. Here is a review of his new book, “The Scheme”.

Senator Joe Manchin When he was Governor of West Virginia I met him to discuss trade education in the WVA Community Colleges. A very personable guy. Well, one would think a Patriotic folksy and nice guy like Joe Manchin would put America and the state of West Virginia first. Right? No, he voted for the radical “Green New Deal”. If you review the references of funding of environmental activist organizations, it may help explain why.

Antonio Guterres, Socialist Leader, now United Nations Secretary General and he favors “One World Government” The UN-IPCC is a path toward such a body. I have written on the uselessness of the U.N. on an earlier blog post. Here. Also, on the views of the past President of the Czech Republic in his book, “Blue Planet in Green Shackles, Which is Endangered? Climate or Freedom?”, here.

World Economic Forum Leader, Klaus Schwab The WEF has been pretty much aligned with the U.N. and leftist causes to move toward World Totalitarianism. (120) WEF is an advocate for degrowth of population, deindustrialization and reduced food production. As mentioned above, John Kerry gave a speech on reducing agriculture(112) and the WEF published positions on Degrowth and Limiting the Use of Private Vehicles. (111, 112, 113)

WEF Member Bill Gates I suspect he has good intentions and yes, he has a lot of money to influence others. Here is an article published in the Guardian on some of his views on climate.(110)

Greta Thunberg She has not been trained in Atmospheric Science or any technical field, yet she is given speaking slots at the United Nations, WEF, TV and has been on the cover of Internationally distributed magazines.(115) Yes, she is very influential and absolutely hard to understand when real Scientists such as Dr’s. Judith Curry, Richard Linden, Roy Spencer, Pat Michaels, and many more…are ignored and not given the world stage to present the facts to the public, yet teenagers with little engineering or science training are posted on the cover of Internationally distributed magazines and hailed as heroes of the planet.

The previous post from January outlines some more information on people & organizations involved in influencing U.S. and world Climate Policy.

Deep Pockets

The enormous funding of the NGO’s which include “abortion” (which is aligned with environmental activist groups such as the Sierra Club and NRDC) (116, 117, 118) have a large impact on voter influence. The NGO’s are Tax exempt and have Billions of dollars in reserves to use. Some of the funds are reported to be provided by Dark money and some is provided by U.S. Taxpayer dollars, such as Planned Parenthood which is very much aligned with the policies of the Internationally connected environmental activists. (116, 117,118, 119, 120, 1F)

Global Influencers

The United Nations and the World Economic Forum are two key organizations responsible for current paths to one world government, discussed as decarbonization & environmental policies. Several books are listed below and I have written previous posts on the UN-IPCC and WEF policies and activities. Some NGO’s are global and are aligned with the WEF and the U.N. Such as: The Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and others.

I will attempt to be brief in connecting the dots from the early beginnings of the environmental movement.

The Beginnings of the Climate Extremists Movement

The start of the modern environmental action is (usually) credited to the book, “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson in 1962. This book focused on the harmful affects of DDT insecticide and although there were abuses, the banning of DDT caused many millions of deaths in Developing countries from Malaria that could have been prevented by careful use of DDT for mosquito control. Then, following Silent Spring was Dr. Paul Erhlich’s 1968 book, “Population Bomb” where he outlined the decline of humanity due to over-population. The Sierra Club and Ehrlich had some interaction and the Sierra Club is mentioned in the book, Population Bomb. Following Erhich was the “Club of Rome” publication “Limits to Growth” was published in 1972. As stated in the sub title, “A Report to the Club of Rome on the Predicament of Mankind”.

Much of the story of Radical Environmentalism, Pseudo-Scientists and the Fatal Cult of Anti-Humanism is captured in Robert Zubrin’s book, “Merchants of Despair”. (53) Also connected with the environmental and population growth concerns has been the “Reproductive Rights” movement and “Planned Parenthood” founded by Margaret Sanger. The Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood have been somewhat aligned in their concerns for reducing population growth and protecting the environment, calling it the connection of “Reproductive Rights and Environmental Justice”.

Dirty Open Secrets

Two dirty little secrets of the environmental movements are: 1. they are a movement of socialism and 2. they favor Deindustrialization and Degrowth of the population. (at least, degrowth and depopulation of the western world and poor countries) The roots of these are provided in the books listed above. A more recent video of a Climate Activist explaining her feelings was shown on a video of the European Union meeting in May of this year. This link is to the ESG investing post on LinkedIn. The post by Joseph Castillo is copied below:

“Anuna De Wever Van Der Heyden is a 22-year-old Belgian climate activist. She delivered this speech at the Beyond Growth conference in the European Parliament on May 19th. Here is a link to a post-conference panel discussing the EU adoption of degrowth policies:

Van Der Heyden has not explicitly identified as a Marxist, but her views on economics and social justice are consistent with Marxist principles. She calls for the EU to adopt “degrowth economies,” policies that reduce GDP, consumption, and production to protect the environment. Not explicitly mentioned are policies that would slow or reverse population growth. These views are shared by many Marxists who believe that capitalism is inherently unsustainable and exploitative.

She has also called for “decolonization,” a process by which colonized areas achieve independence from the colonizing countries. For example, the American Revolution decolonized the present-day US from the British, India gained independence from the UK in 1947, and South Africa declared itself a republic and left the British Commonwealth of Nations in 1961. Obviously, the Brits are the problem.

Ms. Van Der Heyden, in my opinion, represents the true beliefs of the typical Climate Activists. It is not about Climate, it is about control of the population and in fact, limiting the growth of population on the planet. Getting back to the writings and stated beliefs of the Club of Rome, Margaret Sanger and Paul Ehrlich.

The United Nations IPCC and the World Economic Forum have added their influence to the so called “Climate Activism”. The movement has grown worldwide and spread through the G7 countries. Oddly, few news articles mention the fact that China and Russia are not part of the decarbonization and in fact, China is growing in economic power by being the worlds largest manufacturing country. Powering that manufacturing is over 50% of the total coal burned in the world. Let’s get back to the path the U.S. is taking to self sabotage our electric reliability.

Self Sabotaging America’s Energy Infrastructure

America has no energy policy and is currently embarked on policies that will self sabotage electricity reliability, reduce availability of gasoline, Diesel, gas and propane, increase costs, increase food costs and reduce food availability to the people of America and to Developing countries.

The current Climate Policies will Deindustrialize America, lower our standard of living and infringe on our freedom. This is called Net Zero Carbon by 2050 and the decarbonization path currently sought, using wind and solar power to replace fossil fuels is absolutely wrong for our country.

My background is having worked as a nuts and bolts practical power engineer. My work experiences involved design, startup, operations, maintenance, performance tuning and designing steam generator and fuel burning equipment, including NOx reduction systems and efficiency enhancements for large coal fueled Utility steam generators. The picture below is the demolition of the L.V. Sutton, Unit #3, a 420 MW coal unit. This is typical of what we see today. This one is a bit nostalgic to me, because I was the lead startup engineer of this unit when it was commissioned in June 1972. Sure it was old, but it was capable of running at least ten more years until more Dispatchable or base load coal or nuclear units could be constructed.

Demolition, 2016 of Sutton Unit #3, 420 MW Coal Plant started up in June 1972, I was the lead startup engineer for Riley Stoker, the Steam Generator Manufacturer when this plant went commercial

Therefore, my experience base is Bulk Power Generation aka “Bulk Power Supply” (BPS). My observations from this viewpoint of working in the energy and electric power generation industry for over 50 years is that I saw and continue to read about the NGO Extremists, working in concert with the U.S.- EPA to formulate ever more stringent Regulations. U.S. regulations and Public Indoctrination have forced over 102 GW of coal and nuclear plants to shut down since 2011. The problem is  exacerbated by RTO’s (Regional Transmission Operators) creating cut throat competition by forcing renewables onto the Grid (and consequent lowered capacity factors of reliable coal generation). This is created by Federal Policies that provide investment and production tax credits to solar and wind generation owners. Here is an excerpt of the July 2022 Reliability report from NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corp.) This is from page 25 of the July 2022, NERC “Bulk Power Supply Assessment” report.(3)

The shut down (2011-2021) of 102 GW (98.7 coal + 3.9 GW nuclear) of Reliable, affordable, Dispatchable and Abundant Bulk Power supply, without replacing these plants with like capacity of Dispatchable Bulk Power Supply generation assets is a serious problem for the U.S. This is what I refer to as self sabotaging our electric reliability right before our eyes. I have done some research to try to find the reason why the U.S. has such an absurd policy of mindless, Decarbonization by shutting down reliable coal plants (nuclear too) without replacing their needed generation capacity. The descriptions of Primary and Secondary Energy have been written on my previous Blog posts. There is no energy policy for an orderly transition to reduced carbon energy such as nuclear.

Federal Energy Commissioner Mark Christie testified to Congress this month on the fragility of our Bulk Power Supply for the future. (60)

The Public’s perceptions of coal, oil and gas have been poisoned with indoctrination by the United Nations, the U.S. government, the World Economic Forum, Environmental Extremist NGO’s, the Entertainment Industry, Main Stream media and “Woke” corporations. As someone posted comments attributed to Professor Michael Kelly on LinkedIn, “Where are the engineers?”


Not only the U.S. but the entire western world’s energy situation is in dire straights. In my view the future energy problems will exceed the difficulties of the 1973 and 1978 oil embargoes. These problems are being brought on by misguided politicians, NGO’s, “Woke” corporations, Entertainment and the MSM. Fixing it will be difficult. The purpose of this post is to try to connect the dots of how we have come to this energy mess.

Unless the Net Zero Carbon path is changed, America, the western world and poor countries of the world will have to reduce our quality of life. Our economic output will decline and so will America’s influence in the world. America’s influence in the world will decline and China’s will rise. I don’t have anything against the people of China, but the past history of the CCP does not read like a happy fairy tale. I personally prefer living by the freedoms provided in our Constitutional Republic .

There is no planned or organized energy transition to renewables. Period. It is Impossible without totally disrupting our economy, life-styles and quality of life.


Below are five groups of references for further reading to support my conclusions. These are in five categories:

  1. Climate Science references from respected and credentialed Physicists and Atmospheric Scientists that challenge Anthropogenic Global Warming or Climate Change.
  2. Energy, Minerals and Electricity Supply concerns for the future
  3. Energy correlation with Economic output & Quality of Life
  4. Climate Policies are about one world government and control of the citizens of the world, not protection of the environment. Books, News articles and reports documenting the fact that Climate Policies are Polic corruption of science and not about protection of the environment, clean air and clean water.
  5. Energy Policymakers, Environmental Extremist and Activist NGO’s

As an example, here is a comment by Dr. Patrick Moore on the U.N.-IPCC report. Dr. Moore is one of many credentialed scientists that dispute Anthropogenic Climate Change. So do the scientists at the IPCC, but that is not what is reported by the Main Stream Media.

You do not have to believe me, kindly read the references which follow. They are all open sourced.

Yours very truly,

Dick Storm, Flag Day, June 14, 2023

References for further reading and research (Five categories):

Climate Science Books, websites, reports and information by Credentialed Physicists and Atmospheric Scientists:

  1. Roy Spencer Web site:
  2. Heartland Institute:
  3. Professor Richard Lindzen, MIT:
  4. Prof. Lindzen article in Tablet Magazine on China and his views on AGW:
  5. Professor Judith Curry Interview January 30, 2021 on AGW:
  6. Professor Willliams Happer and Professor Richard Lindzen Testimony to SEC June 2022:
  7. The Right Stuff Climate Team (Retired NASA Engineers):
  8. Climate Science Book by Vinos with forward by Judith Curry:
  9. Climate, Past, Present and Future:
  10.  Australian Scientific Paper: World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions (1750–2018),_its_14c_specific_activity,.2.aspx
  11. GWPF Sept 22, 2022, Richard Lindzen Paper:
  12. Dr. Timothy Ball Paper on the Deliberate Corruption of Science, 2014:‘THE%20DELIBERATE%20CORRUPTION%20OF%20CLIMATE%20SCIENCE%20by%20TIM%20BALL.pdf
  13. Tim Ball, CO2 is not a pollutant 2018:
  14. Dr. Judith Curry post on how Disinformation Industrial Complex is harming Trust in Science, June 2023:
  15. Vaclav Smil book: “The Way the World Really Works”
  16. Dr. Steve Koonin book: “Unsettled”
  17. Science based web site on Climate Science:
  18. Heartland Institute Climate Conference, Feb. 2023:
  19. Professor Willliams Happer and Professor Richard Lindzen Testimony to SEC June 2022:
  20. The Right Stuff Climate Team (Retired NASA Engineers):
  21. Australian Scientific Paper: World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions (1750–2018:,_its_14c_specific_activity,.2.aspx
  22. The Right Stuff Climate Stuff, Tom Moser:
  23. Dr. Judith Curry Review of CLINTEL report analyzing IPCC-AR6: 
  24. CLINTEL website:
  25. Dr. Patrick Moore discusses Manufactured Climate Alarmism, May 2023, Newsmax: Pat&t=jx86j0I-tJuKCNreXz1BDA
  26. Donn Dears book, “Have No Fear”
  27. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery book, “UnstoppableGlobal Warming” published 2007
  28. Book, “Hot Talk, Cold Science” 3rd edition, 2021, By Singer, Legates and Lupo
  29. CO2 Coalition has an extensive web site with more science based Climate and Atmospheric Science information:
  30. Physicist Wallace Manheimer on CO2, “There is no Climate Crisis” , January 2023:  Abstract here:
  31. Dr. Steve Koonin, Is There Really a Climate Emergency?
  32. WUWT Global Surface Temperature Record Updated 1880-2023:
  33. “Why Climate Change is Not an Emergency”, CO2 Coalition Presentations, May 27, 2023:

Energy, Minerals, Fuel and Bulk Power Electricity Supply, Concerns:

21. Donn Dears book, “Clean Energy Crisis” 2022:

22. Donn Dears book, “Net Zero Carbon, The Policy Destroying America” 2021:

23. Copied link of post of NERC Summer Reserves Warning May 18, 2023:

24. POWER Magazine Commentary, Jan. 2023, “Are We Headed for a Reliability Train Wreck”, America’s Power CEO, Michelle Bloodworth:

25. Dick Storm presentation to the August 2022 ENERUM, Energy Forum in Columbus, Ohio:

26. TVA Rolling Blackouts report in Tennessean, Jan, 2023:

27. N.C. Utilities Commission Testimony of Bradford Muller of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry, Blackouts, Christmas 2022:

28. WUNC-Cold Weather Blackouts in N.C.

29.  Great Plains Institute Warning, Aug 2022 of Blackouts due to insufficient Generation capacity:

30. MISO Blackout Warning from Riverland Energy:

31. E&E News on Blackout warning, August 2022:

32. American Experiment Article, in Minnesota discussing Blackout risks, June 2022:

 33. Net Zero Watch, UK Experience with Wind Farms, January 7, 2023:

34. Washington Examiner Feb, 2, 2023:

35. Ken Wilson, P. Eng. Canada, IPCC vs. Facts, CO2 Coalition Feb.. 2023:

36. CO2 Coalition, Publications, All Excellent:

37. GWPF UK Study, Where are the Engineers” By Professor Michael Kelly :

38. GWPF NZ Professor, Michael Kelly:

39. Samuel Furfari,  “Hydrogen, an old Idea and still Windy”:

40. Dick Storm Blog, May 16, 2023, U.S. Needs 100 Quads/year to power our economy and sustain our high quality of life:

41. Where are the “Workers for the Supply Chain of the Green Energy Transition”, Irena Slav Substack, June 12, 2023:

42. 60 Minutes program on Vulnerability of Electric Grid:

43. CFACT, “Why Net Zero Is Neither Possible Nor Desirable, the Canadian Example”: 

44. Hackaday “New Renewables are Overwhelming the U.S. Grid” April 2023:

45. NY Electricity Generation, “Non-Reassuring” Future, WUWT April 22, 2023:

46. Dick Storm Blog, “Pillars of Modern Civilization, Energy & Food & Quality of Life”:

47. Dick Storm Blog “Educating & Energizing the Public on the Impossibility of Powering America with Wind and Solar” March 2023:

48. Another Supply Chain concern. This time for the legacy, old nuclear plants that provide about 20% 0f America’s reliable Bulk Power, Reuters, Old Nukes Threatened by Parts Obsolescence, April 2023:

49. Professor Michael Kelly, UK, June 2017:

50. Feasibility of Achieving Net-Zero Carbon by 2050, by Professor Michael Kelly:

51. Wind Power Report by IRENA :

52. Dr. Judith Curry Website on Cost of wind power:

53. The Conversation on Why are Household Electricity Prices Going Up If Wind is so Cheap?:

54. Why are Boston Energy Costs so High?, Feb. 2023:

55. CNBC Interview with Liberty Energy CEO, Chris Wright:  

56. NZ/UK Professor Michel Kelly & Bryan Leyland Web page:

57. Professor Michael Kelly web page:

58. WUWT Electricity Prices Rising Due to Wind & Solar Installations, Feb. 22, 2023:

59. Climate Depot website for renewables production costs:

60. FERC Energy Regulator States, “Power Grid is Facing Dire Consequences Due to Coal & Gas Retirements” Testifying before Congress, “WUWT June 2023:

61. Another “Open Secret” 60 Minutes program on Vulnerability of Electric Grid:

62. EEI EV’s in market 2030:

63. IEA NZE 2050 Report:

64. WUWT Energy Crisis creates a Food production crisis due to fertilizer shortages:

65. ELECTREK article on Chinese EV’s to dominate market:

66. Finlands GTK, “It is Time to Wake Up” on critical minerals supply:

67. Time Magazine, “The Modern World Can’t Exist Without These Four Ingredients. They All Require Fossil Fuels”, Vaclav Smil May 2022:

68. Ed Ireland Substack, “EPA proposes anti-fossil fuel regulations “to limit climate change” that will destroy US power grids”, June 30, 2023:

Energy correlation with Economic output & Quality of Life

31. The Federal War on your Life-Style, WUWT, June 8, 2023:

32. Bjorn Lomborg Science Direct, July. 2020, “Welfare in the 21st Century” related to Climate Policies:

33. Forbes article on Environmental Groups Harming the Poor,

34. Liberty Energy, “Bettering Human Lives Report”:

35. Robert Bryce Substack:

Climate Policies are about one world government, Control of the Citizens and Weakening America

41. Vaclav Klaus’ 2006 book, “Blue Planet in Green Shackles, What is Endangered? The Climate or Freedom?” offers a prescient view of the political nature of Green policies: Dick Storm Blog

42. Biography of Socialist, Antonio Gutterres, U.N. Secretary General, Britannica:

43. Gutterres says, The World Needs One Body of Supreme Global Governance ”, Breitbart News, 2020:

44. World Economic Forum, Founder and Leader, Klaus Schwab, Bio:

45. World Economic Forum Doesn’t Even Hide their Intent to Create Decline of the Western World:

46. WEF Urban Mobility Paper, May 2023:

47. John Kerry Speech on “The Great Reset” New American, Nov. 2020:

48. John Kerry Targets Agriculture at WEF Speech, May 2023, Fox News:

49. The Uselessness of the United Nations to Improve World Peace, Prosperity and to Lift Poor Countries from Poverty. The U.N. Energy and World Peace:

50. Vaclav Klaus and his book, “Blue Planet in Green Shackles”:

51. UN Climate News:*1nhukiq*_ga*MTM1NjA2Njg4OS4xNjgyODY3NDQ5*_ga_TK9BQL5X7Z*MTY4Mjg2NzQ0OS4xLjEuMTY4Mjg2NzYzOS4wLjAuMA

52. UN-Climate page:,France%2C%20on%2012%20December%202015

53. Book: “Merchants of Despair” by Robert Zubrin, on Radical Environmentalists, CriminalPseudo-Scientists and the Fatal Cult of Antihumanism: Published 2012 by Encounter Books and again in 2016 by the Heartland Institute

54. Capital Research Center video on China’s influence of American Environmental Policies:

55. Clintel Open Letter to U.N. Secretary General, June 23, 2023:

Energy & Environmental Policy by U.S. Political Science and Foreign Influence

51. This report reveals much of what is wrong with the EPA. 114th Congress Report on Obama Carbon Policies and Influence of Green Groups:

52. Washington Examiner: Gina McCarthy CEO of NRDC:

53. Ken Braun’s article on Jennifer Graham background at Capital Research Center, “Green Watch”:

54. Dept. of Interior Sec’y Deb Harland on Utah Land which has energy reserves:

55. E & E News June 6, 2023. How Green New Dealers became Washington Power Players:

56. Profile of the Department of the Interior, compiled by Robert Stilson of CRC:

57. CRC Profile of the Department of Energy:

58. CRC on the EPA:

59. CRC on the WH Council on Environmental Quality:

60. CRC on the WH Office of Domestic Climate Policy:

61. CRC on the Office of Science and Technology Policy:

62. CRC on environmental group connections in this blog post from June 2021:

63. Science Matters on the Roots of Environmentalism, Jan 2023:

64. C. Paul Smith “Closing Argument on the Climate Change Hoax”:

65. The UK and European experiences with “Green Energy” should be a clear warning to the U.S.A., The Telegraph, June 11, 2023:

66. How the Greens Went Mainstream, Foreign Policy, April 2021:

67. Russian Funding of Anti-Fossil Fuels Groups in U.S. March 2022, The Hill:

68. Washinton Free Beacon article on EPA Requests DOJ to Investigate Dark Money to Environmental Activist Groups, October 2020:

69 Dark Money accepted by Democrats from BlueGreen Alliance admission, Washington free Beacon May 24, 2023:

70. “So-Called” Democracy Alliance Investment Report, 2014:

71. Swiss Billionaire Bankrolls Biden Agenda through Arabella Advisors, Reported in Washington Free Beacon, April 4, 2023:

72. Meet the Group behind Banning Gas Stoves, Rocky Mountain Institute Creates anti Gas Stove Campaign, partially funded by China, as reported in Washington free Beacon, January 16, 2023:

73. Stacey Abrams working with Group, Rewiring America, to Ban Gas Stoves. Group has ties with Chinese Funding, Washington Free Beacon, March 16, 2023:

74. Obama’s Man in China is now China’s Man in Washington, Max Baucus is talking head for China, Washington Free Beacon, May 21, 2020:

75. Numerous articles on Environmental Activists around the world, The Conversation:

76. BBC Report on 50 years of Activism, How the Biggest Environmental Movement Began April 2020:

77. Meet the Activists, Britannica:

78. House Lawmakers Step Up Action on Green Groups Working with Foreign Countries, June, 2018, Reuters:

79. Washington Examiner, June 2018: Russian Groups Gave Millions to Green Groups to Fight Fracking in U.S.:  

80. GAO Report on Foreign Influence of U.S. Research, Oct. 2021:

81. FBI Investigating Foreign Influence of Jan. 6, 2020 Capital Riot, NBC News:

82. Capital Research Report on Combatting Foreign Influence of American Institutions, Robert Stilson, October 2020 :  

83. Report of Uranium One Deal sale to Russia and Russian Influence of the Obama’s and Clintons, Fox News 2018 :

84. The Hill, Wikileaks Releases Alleged John Podesta emails on Russian Business dealings of Clintons and Obama, Oct. 10, 2016:

85. Politico, What you Need to Know About Hillary Clinton and Uranium One Deal, Nov. 14, 2017:

86. Oil report on Russia Owning some U.S. Nuclear Fuel as a result of the Uranium One Deal, May 6, 2015:

87. John Podesta was involved in a major deal with Russians in 2011-2019, Breitbart News, April 4, 2019:  

88. John Podesta’s brother Tony received payments as a Lobbyist for Russia on Uranium One Deal and was not registered as a Foreign Agent,  Daily Caller, Nov. 2017  :

89. Forbes, Oct. 25, 2017; “Why Was Justice Dept. Silent on Criminal Activity of Nuclear Agency During Obama’s Administration”:  

90. American Thinker, October 2017 article, So what was John Podesta’s now-collapsed Russian green energy scheme really all about?

91. John Podesta And Podesta Group Under Investigation By FBI And DOJ Technocracy News, August 2016:

92. Climate Depot, March 6, 2022, Investigate Russia’s covert funding of US anti-fossil fuel groups:

93. The Hill, March 1, 2022, Russia Investigation on Involvement with U.S. Anti-Fossil Fuels Groups:  

94., Canadian Environmental Groups Received $1.3 Billion in Foreign Funding :

95. Natural Resources Defense Council Receives 100 Million from Jeff Bezos, Nov. 2020:

96. Big Green Radicals Funding, NRDC :

97. Washington Free Beacon report on Foreign Funding through Bermuda of Environmental Extremist Groups, August 2013 :

98. Washington Examiner, Leftists Activists Demand Democrats Keep Nuclear and Carbon Capture Out of Green Energy Bill, May 12, 2021:

99. Here are 36 Organizations Helping to Solve the Climate Crisis (and weaken the U.S.A.), 2020 :

100. Russia Funding Activist Groups in U.S. Center for Security Policy, March 2019 :

101. Robert Bryce, No Uranium for Nuclear, June 9, 2023:

102. Tom Steyer in Philanthropy News, 2014, Donates 50 million to NextGen Climate Action in Florida for Climate Change:

103. Sheldon Whitehouse’s new book where he will claim the opposition party does what he and his party have done very effectively, for decades: “The Scheme, where He accuses Republicans of using Dark Money”, when in fact, the Democrats do it much more:

104. Ron Clutz Blog “Science Matters” June 12, 2023 on the Climate Blame Game & “Energy Absurdities” in Canada:

105. Dick Storm Blog post, “The War on Carbon, How it Came to Be”:

106. West Virginia Shelly Moore Capito Opinion in WVA “Intelligencer” Newspaper, July 2022 on Joe Goffman as nominee to EPA position:

107. Pentagon to Electrify the Military, Nov. 2021,

108. C. Paul Smith “Closing Argument on the Climate Change Hoax”:

109. Environment, Why Environmentalists Back Ed Markey:

110. The Guardian on Bill Gates views on Climate, Feb. 2021:

111. John Kerry Targets Agriculture at WEF Speech, May 2023, Fox News:

112. WEF Calls for Limiting Private Car Use, June 2022:

113. WEF on Population Degrowth, June 2022:

114. WEF Calls to reduce vehicles by eliminating ownership, Climate Depot, Aug. 2022:

115. Greta Thunberg Time Line, April 2021, Independent, UK:

116. Sierra Club and Abortion Alignment, On the Issues, :

117. U.N., Planned Parenthood and Sierra Club Alignment Sept. 2015:

118. Sierra Club & NRDC Environmental Groups Urge Support for Affordable Care Act and Reproductive Rights, March 2017:

119. Sierra Club & Planned Parenthood Join Conferences to Explain Sex and the Environment. Nov. 2007, Catholic News Agency,:

120. Lecture by Michael Rectenwald at Hillsdale College on “What is the Great Reset”, The Great Reset movement toward World Totalitarianism:

121. Daily Skeptic, Feb. 23, 2023, by 30 year Reuter’s veteran Journalist “I Thought CO2 Was Causing Global Warming, I was Wrong”:

122. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, 60 years later, Fails Test of Time, WUWT:

123. John Kerry, Ties to Radical Environmental Groups, but kept secret, Oct. 2022, Fox News:

The Money Trail to Influence Elected Officials, on the “Zero Population Growth” Agenda, Aimed at Influencing the Votes of Women. $$ Billions$$

1A. AMAC Article on Companies that donate to Planned Parenthood, 2017:

1B. 2nd Vote website that lists companies that have contributed $1.3 Billion to Planned Parenthood, updated to 2020:

1C. Daily Signal list of companies that donate to Planned Parenthood, Aug. 2015: 

1D. Daily Signal July 2015,

1E. More companies that donate to Planned Parenthood, Partners for Ethical Care:

1F. JTF donations of 25 million to Democrats:

1G. INTEL and others that promote Zero Population Growth and Planned Parenthood:

1H. Open Secrets Donations to Planned Parenthood, 2022:

1 I. Capital Research Center video on influence of teen females by Leftist organizations such as Arabella Advisors:

5 thoughts on “Green Energy Crisis- Part #2: Meet The Policy Makers That Caused It”

  1. You’re rocking some boats, good only! A point made many years ago by either Mr Bryce or Christopher Horner that at the time in all of the Congress


  2. You’re rocking some boats, good only! A point made many years ago by either Mr Bryce or Christopher Horner that at the time in all of the Congress there’s only 3 people who have the training to understand the Energy Bills in front of them, the rest depend on activists or lobbyists to guide their votes


    1. Thank you. I have seven wonderful grandchildren and hate to see the current government create a decline in their quality of life. Thanks for reading, and yes, I agree with you. I know much of the political garbage has been known for years. The spineless Republicans have not done anything about it. I keep voting for (R) candidates, but they are the less of two evils.


      1. I have no Children nor Grandchildren but would like to see the Great Republic endure, we gave up stewardship way back after the 60s and slowly moved the Tiller away from Constitutional Republic to whatever we got today, filled with confusion and no such thing as Observed Facts. Myself a lifelong “R” but when GW did the renewable Fuels Act I got really suspicious, Gasohol didn’t work under Carter so I wondered what had changed, 5 books on energy later, NOTHING had changed, it was still a bad idea. So much for GW the Oil Man. I was also a Journeyman Mold Maker to the Plastic Injection Molding Industries that, along with others, went off shore in 97, we all looked to GW to set it right but he didn’t and now few hav3e gone into the Manufacturing Trades as there is no real future in it here in America. We got problems to solve but we first need to recognize them, then we can act.

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