Saving America from Destructive Policies: The Real Issues that Matter, Part 1

Elections have consequences and American voters can take a lesson from history. A case study of “Good Consequences” are chronicled in the recently published book, “The Peacemaker” which records the Presidency of Ronald Reagan. When Reagan took office in 1980 America was in decline both domestically and by world respect, the “Misery Index” (Unemployment+Seasonally adjusted Inflation Rate) was 19.23. During the Carter administration the Misery Index hit a high of 21.98. Energy was a huge issue then as it is now. More on Reagan and his accomplishments as President later.

Election year voter preferences have me worried. Why? because as I view the issues, the Biden and Congressional Democrats are simply on a path to Destroy America as we have come to know and enjoy it. Many voters seem to be influenced by social issues and the personality of politicians. The purpose of this commentary is to highlight the importance of the real Issues that Matter.

These 14 issues are what I think are the most important to keep America Great. Not social matters, the true issues that are vitally important for good results.

Issues That Matter

  1. First and the most important issue on this list: Election Integrity. Election results must be 99%+ reliable (1)
  2. Restore the nuclear family and Judeo-Christian family morality, work ethic and values. 
  3. Secure the border.
  4. Restore confidence in Law and Order, support the Police and the American Judicial system
  5. Restore a strong Military and encourage “Peace through Strength”
  6. Reject the Paris Climate Agreement. President Trump did it before, and we need it again. Biden’s so called “Climate Policies” are destroying America and they are not about environmental protection or pollution. Climate Policies are a path to Socialism and one world government, . Not about Public Health or Protecting the environment. Climate Policies of the Biden Administration are un-American and a gift to those countries that hate the U.S.
  7. Increase American energy production of all forms including nuclear, oil, gas and coal. Energy=Life as we enjoy it.
  8. Reshore manufacturing back to the U.S. Especially primary metals, Pharmaceuticals, autos, most important raw materials and minerals
  9. Reduce the size and influence of government
  10. Reduce government Regulations and reign in the EPA, DOJ, BLM and other out of control “Deep State/Swamp Alphabet Soup agencies.
  11. Unite the citizens. Ronald Reagan and Eisenhower are tough acts to follow, but they did it. So can President Trump!
  12. Stop the decline of America and create a vision of optimism to make America Greater than ever.
  13. Improve Public Education to get back to the fundamentals of teaching young people important life skills beginning with Reading, Writing, Math and General Science. Eliminate the foolish social engineering.
  14. Renew American leadership in the world and defeat “Wokism”

So, What Would Reagan Do?

In Reagan’s time, America had just suffered through several Oil Embargoes the Iranian Hostage crisis and tensions of the Cold War.

America’s respect by the world was at a low point. Reagan had a difficult task ahead of him in 1980, but his success is well documented, factual and respected. I remember the years of 18% Home Mortgage rates, the hidden tax of high inflation, Utilities postponing dividends, gas lines, the Iranian hostage situation, rebuilding our military and more. The eight years of President Reagan’s leadership renewed America . In my opinion, his principled and Godly leadership saved America. Elections matter. So do the issues of the candidates. Another point made in the Peacemaker was that Reagan’s task was hard and that he had many challenges that had to be overcome. Challenges from his own staff, Congress and leaders of the world. In spite of these, he kept his Faith and focus. As the saying goes, it is all history now. The big question is. Can Donald Trump repeat such an effective and results oriented Presidency to reverse the decline after four years of Biden policies? I believe he can.

President Reagan TV Address, July 1981 from Oval Office

Politicians like to say, “The Best years for America Lie Ahead of Us”. In my opinion, yes the years ahead can be much better. However, I am concerned for the future of America if Democrats keep control of the Whitehouse and Congress. Return of the “Misery Index” is a minor concern when all of the hot spots of this dangerous world are considered, including Israel, Ukraine, China, Russia, Taiwan and terrorists. The current, government top priority of “Climate Policies” are in fact, destroying our country.

I used to think Democrats were simply ignorant on the knowledge of energy and electricity generation. Truly, most are trained in Political Science or are Lawyers, but they have thousands of trained engineers and energy experts that they could consult. Climate Scientists too. Therefore, it is my conclusion that, most Democrat politicians are deliberately weakening America (the only (D) I know that went slightly against the other (D’s) was Joe Manchin (D-WVA). Why would they push destructive policies such as open borders to allow criminals and illegal immigrants to enter our country and then giving criminals priority over U.S. Citizens? Reducing funding and support for Police, weakening law and order, weakening the military, having men compete in women’s sports, killing babies and killing the fuels that power our economy, killing the American auto industry, making food production more costly and rejecting the high quality of life we have enjoyed, Why? Unless they (or those who are influencing them) are intentionally trying to divide and weaken our country?

Are Biden and Congress Influenced by Foreign Pressures?

The Washington Examiner Magazine in the April 23 issue cover story relates to foreign influence of elections, anti-semitism protests and more. The cover art depicts voters controlled by the CCP. I recommend reading the Washington Examiner if you are interested in the depth of subversion within our country, read Tom Rogan’s article on page 20, also references below. (18, 19, 20, 21) Have you wondered about the anti-Israel Pro-HAMAS protests at Colleges and major road and bridge closures recently? Wonder how they just pop up at the same time? Flags and banners supporting mass murderer HAMAS and even ISIS appear across the country. Crowds are raised and anti-American speeches are delivered. This is not a good omen for election integrity in November.

Credit the Washington Examiner cover, April 23, 2024 edition

Living the American Dream

I was born during WWII and America has grown and prospered over these last 80 years of my life. I grew up in a working class family of modest income and thanks to the gift from God of good health and a strong work ethic, prevailing American freedom, values and liberty, I was able, through study, hard work, marrying a wonderful supportive wife that put up with the sacrifices of my working long hours, travel and moving my family around the country. Ultimately started my own company and we enjoyed an above average income with the earned advantages and privileges that go along with being a business owner.

I lived the American Dream and it is my Prayer and hope that my grandchildren and all of the young people in America will be able to do the same.

Some of the accomplishments of my generation come to mind. There are many great leaders that made these possible, starting with one of my favorite Presidents, Eisenhower, who was also Reagan’s mentor. My contribution to the accomplishments listed below was a very humble and small one, but the list is fact and history. These are some of what has made America Great during the last 80 years! The policies of the Democrats is Hell bent on weakening or destroying much of what was built during my lifetime.

Examples of American Greatness during the last 80 Years

  • The U.S. Navy secured and made ocean transport safe all around the globe to drastically reduce International Ocean shipping costs. This provided the economic advantage to Developing countries, including China
  • AT&T and Western Electric pioneered advanced submerged cable design and construction that even today provide pathways for over 90% of International electronic data transfer. There is a reason the U.S. is country code #1
  • President Eisenhower and Admiral Rickover pioneered the use of nuclear power for clean power generation through Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” initiative, spreading clean, safe nuclear power generation around the world with the partnering of great American companies such as B&W, Westinghouse, Combustion Engineering, Foster-Wheeler and General Electric
  • America, Proudly a Nation of Christians (7)
  • America was the world’s largest manufacturer of autos, appliances and electronics
  • America was the world’s largest producer of steel, aluminum and copper
  • General Motors was the largest automobile manufacturer in the world and in the 1950’s it was accepted that “What Is good for General Motors Is Good for the Country and vice versa” (2)
  • Babcock and Wilcox and Combustion Engineering pioneered supercritical and ultra supercritical steam generators for electric power generation
  • Boeing jet airliners were the best in the world
  • NASA was started and within President Kennedy’s Goal of ten years put a man on the moon
  • Public Schools practiced morning prayer and recognized two sexes, male and female
  • President Reagan and his “Peace Through Strength” policies succeeded in overcoming weakness of the preceding Presidential term. Reagan’s leadership restored America as the strongest nation in the world
  • America’s economy became the largest in the world and the U.S. Dollar, the medium of exchange for trade in the world.
  • General Electric, under the leadership of Jack Welsh became the strongest and best manufacturer of power plant electric generation equipment, advanced medical equipment and aircraft engines
  • Our Electric Grid became the most reliable in the world and electricity prices amongst the lowest in the world
  • American energy production and cost remained reasonable and we made great advances after the Oil Embargoes of 1973, 1974 and 1978
  • America became energy independent in 2019

Biden and Democrat Policies are Destroying America and Must be Stopped!

  • Climate Policies and the War on Conventional Fuels, Internal Combustion Engines and more that me and the American majority have grown to depend on and love.
  • Open Borders for terrorists and people who wish to do harm to America and American citizens
  • Weakening Election Integrity
  • Dividing the citizens of our country with codified policies to destroy women’s sports, create new sexes, DEI, SEC rules to harm business and industry and more
  • Pushing Social Policies that are insanely wrong and divisive. Check the Washington Examiner articles on foreign influence, Tik-Tock and more
  • Weakened support for our Military and weakened Department of Defense resources. The Biden top priority of “Climate Policies” is a path to weaken everything about America.
  • Weakened support of our Police and law and order
  • Out of control spending on Federal programs that cause inflation. Inflation is a “hidden Taxon American citizens.
  • Crushing Regulations across all government “Alphabet Soup” agencies; EPA, OSHA, BLM, IRS, SEC, etc are all at war with the citizens, small businesses and productive American industries
  • Declaring war on internal combustion engines, gas stoves and more consumer products that Americans have grown to love
  • Support of criminals and illegal immigrants over tax paying U.S. citizens
  • Sacrificing U.S. Sovereignty to U.N. and WHO
  • Weak support of our Allies, especially Israel and a decline of world respect, similar to that faced by Reagan in 1980
    • By their policies, they show their hate for Mining and manufacturing in U.S.A.
    • And much more Totalitarian control over our lives

Election Interference

The inspiration to write this commentary was the News Media reporting of various polls of “If the election were held today, who would you vote for?”. President Trump and Biden are right at 50-50. In my view, if the status of the truly important concerns in America were compared to when Trump left office in 2020, and if all of the factors that keep America strong were considered, then the polls should be about 99% for Trump. The Pew poll graphic from 2023 is shown below. It hasn’t changed much. Trump and Biden are still within a few points of the same support.

Why would nearly half of the voters plan to vote for Biden? I am not trained in political science, but here are three demographic and social issues that, in my perception, have influenced half of the voters.

  • The first is the issue of abortion and a woman’s right to choose. Abortion has killed over 63 million babies since 1973 but stated as a “women’s right to choose” it does not sound so evil and many women are influenced by this single issue.
  • The second most influential factor is, the top 50% wage earners in America pay 97.7% of the Federal taxes. The bottom 50% pay the remaining 2.3%. So, almost half of the population gets more from government than they pay out in taxes.
  • The third demographic reality is that over 50% of the voters live in large cities. The cities, even in Conservative states like SC, tend to be controlled by the Democrat Party and historically have practiced voting irregularities and shenanigans. (1) Take a look at the U.S.A. map by counties of Red and Blue voting. The entire U.S.A. is mostly Red, except for the cities which have perpetual problems in election integrity.

America is approaching a Totalitarian and Dictatorial government elected by people who either are dependent on government handouts or are influenced by social issues. This is in my opinion to reason why so many are poised to vote for leaders that will destroy our country.

Conclusion and Summary

It is my hope that voters will do research and that the Republican Party will educate more citizens on the importance of the real issues that matter.

Let me close with several quotes of Ronald Reagan on his views on the importance of keeping America strong and great. The first is from Reagan’s farewell, Jan. 11, 1989:

The issues matter and President Reagan showed how to make them work for the best interests of our country.

Two more from the wisdom of Ronald Reagan….


President Donald Trump also applied policies that renewed America during his term. It is my hope and prayer that starting in 2025, policies will be in place to return America to greatness. Ronald Reagan proved that America can be saved from decline.

In Part 2, I will cover some of the NGO’s, individuals, foreign influence and other factors, besides the U.S.-DOJ that are in fact, actively participating in election interference. The November 2024 election may be our last chance to save America and there are many forces, organizations and government officials that are influencing voters by effective use of smear politics and Un-American (Woke) social/Cultural indoctrination. These are very real factors. Some of the influence is from foreign sources. (18, 19, 20, 21)

Yours very truly,

Dick Storm, April 28, 2024

References and Information of Further Research:

  1. Gatestone Institute article on Voting Integrity, April 21, 2024, “The Most Secure Election in History” by John Eastman:
  2. What is Good for General Motors is Good for the Country, Charles E. Wilson confirmation as Secretary of Defense, 1953:,General%20Motors%20and%20vice%20versa.%22
  3. Definition and “Misery Index” for U.S. Presidents, Inflation+Unemployment, During Jimmy Carter Presidency the Misery Index hit a high of 21.98, Wikipedia:
  4. U.S. Foreign Relations and Decline of American Influence in the World in 1979, Imprimis:
  5. “Ronald Reagan, The Peacemaker”, book review by Publisher’s Weekly:
  6. Ronald Reagan Farewell Address, “Shining City on a Hill”:
  7. America’s Religious Composition according to Pew Research:
  8. Ronald Reagan Foundation Archives of speeches and quotes:
  9. Foundation for Economic Education, Reagan at 110, of His Best Quotes on Freedom & Government: , Feb. 6, 2021:
  10. List of top Fortune 500 Companies in 1960, GM, Exxon, Ford, General Electric, U.S. Steel:
  11. Purdue University Technical article on Undersea Cables, 2021:
  12. Institute for Energy Research (IER) listing of 200 actions by the Biden Administration and Democrats to make it harder to produce oil and gas in the U.S. March 2024:
  13. Key Treaties Threaten U.S. Sovereignty, The Heritage Foundation, 2021:
  14. The World Health Organization and U.S. Sovereignty, The Heritage Foundation, 2023:
  15. Excellent article by Paul Driessen on the expansion of Government Regulations that restrict America’s Energy and Electricity Producers, PA Pundits, Feb. 2024:
  16. Robert Bryce article on NGO’s and how they impact Federal Regulations, March 2024:
  17. Grid Operators Warn of Blackouts due to Excessive EPA Rules, America’s Power, March 6, 2024:
  18. Capital Research Center, Influence Watch articles on election influence by both Domestic and foreign sources:
  19. RAND Corporation Report on Foreign Election Interference, especially, Russia, Oct 2020:
  20.  EU-Disinformation Lab, 2021:
  21. Council on Foreign Relations Report on Foreign Influence of U.S. Policymakers and Elections, March 2023:
  22. National Right to Life, (Guttmacher and CDC) Abortion Statistics, 1973-2019:
  23. Pew Research Center report on Abortions in the U.S. March 2024:
  24. Red and Blue Counties voting, by Sightline Institute, 2022:

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